Friday, February 22, 2019

"IT'S ONLY BEEN TWO HOURS?!" - Looking at the clock during a 9-5 job

Don’t look at the Clock

I think one of the biggest mistakes to do when working in any location is looking at the clock. It could be on the wall, on your phone, or on a computer, but the results tend to stay the same. You look once, you no longer feel time passing as quickly as you once did. It plagues just about every person that’s ever worked a 9-5 job and will continue to forever more.

Yeah, life’s fun when you look at a clock isn’t it? It’s almost as if something is purposely slowing down time, or at least your perception of it. I wonder if there’s a name for this phenomenon? I’ll check it out before I post this, and if I find something, I’ll put it in the description with the links! You’ll know as soon as I do!

I think it’s honestly somewhat hilarious when you catch someone dealing with the problem. You’ll see them walk over to where the clock is, or pull out their phone, glance for ooooone second and suddenly their expression just changes. Sometimes, one of them will actually verbally express their discontent with a well placed “Dammit!” under their breath.

Fast food is pretty bad when it comes to this phenomenon, but the worst I’ve ever experienced it was when I worked in the grocery stores. Time already drags when all you do is ring people’s groceries up, or you put out produce, or slice meat, so when you look at a clock, it just pisses you off, even more, to know “IT’S ONLY BEEN TWO HOURS?!” Amazing, truly.

Recently, I’ve come up with a way to actually hold off this problem, though it only works about 30% of the time…
It’s, quite simple, actually. All you have to do when you look at the clock is to say, both in your head and aloud, “Man, I can’t believe it’s already [INSERT TIME HERE]! How incredible that so much time has already gone by!” I do this every time, and, in some cases, I can even feel like time has sped up!

This is the best advice I can hope to give. If you have any ways of dealing with this psychotic-break-inducing problem, please leave them in the comments below, or on whatever social media outlet you found this on.

Thank you for reading!

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