Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Schedule Plan for the Week and Overtime Talk

Good day to you all! Once again, I am here after a decent break over a long weekend to sort some things out while working my usual shifts at my local NotDonald’s. If there’s one thing that’s always been a bit of a problem whenever I’m working, it’s that I work a bunch, yet can run out of money due to bills, expenses, etc. It’s hard to save money on $8-11 an hour, let alone survive! My next few weeks will actually be packed with lots of overtime that I have to somewhat coerce out of my managers so I can make ends meet when it comes to some upcoming bills, including school and insurance.

I already have a schedule down for what I’m going to try to do without getting too badly reprimanded for such actions: I am scheduled off on weekends and have plenty to do errands-wise, so I’m going to continue my usual sleep schedule of waking up between 4 and 5. However, I’m gonna make it a little more interesting! First thing’s first, waking up a little earlier. If I can jumpstart my day with a cold shower at 3:30, I can be up and ready to go by 4:30. When I do that, I’m heading to work to see if they’d like some help. 9 times out of 10, they do. We have a lot of call-outs due to many reasons, though most are purely out of laziness. I’ll see about working an extra 4-5 hours a day on those days. That’ll get me to at least 44 hours, depending on the weekly schedule.

Secondly, I need to come in a bit earlier, and leave a bit later every day that I work usually! What're 30 more minutes at the beginning and end of a shift? Well, for me, it’s 2 and a half more hours. This, plus potentially heading in for 1-3 hours before classes start on Tuesdays and Thursdays will boost my hours by a whole bunch! In total, I think I should hit 48-52 hours a week. That’s over two days of work right there, and that doesn’t even count my on-and-off second job!

So, you’re probably wondering why I’m writing about this today, huh? I think it’s important to realize that in this line of business, if you want more money, you have to work like crazy, dealing with long hours for your crappy pay. This isn’t a sales job, it’s a 9-5! Well, NotDonald’s is a bit bad when it comes to trying for more hours. They don’t like people on overtime and will do a lot to keep you off of it, despite how many people will call out or no-call-no-show. Labor hours are important, and despite not having help, can easily become problematic if it shows one single person working insanely high hours while the rest sit at 30-35 hours a week.

I know by the end of the next few weeks, I’ll most likely be given a warning or something about my overtime. Honestly, if they do, I’ll probably respond with something like “Increase my wage somewhat substantially and I will stop trying to come in so much!” For the effort, time and dedication I and many others have, we really don’t get paid enough to deal with the workplace and the problems that lie with it. I hope this can shed some light on the system of working many hours and the potential problems that come with it. I will be talking about wages and savings (when possible to save) in my next post. For now, I hope this was a bit entertaining and somewhat informative to read regarding how I schedule my time during my 40-80-hour weeks.

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